Rincon de la Vieja, Costa Rica June 3, 201618 mm: ISO 200: f/11: 1/25 sec. Taking a break from Europe images today to publish an old image from Costa Rica. We spent a day hiking through Rincon de...
Tag: guanacaste
Guanacaste, Costa Rica June 2, 2016135 mm: ISO 500: f/5.6: 1/250 sec. I saw this beautiful flower outside my room every time we left our room at the Andaz Papagayo in Costa Rica. One day, I...
Rincon de la Vieja National Park, Costa Rica June 3, 201618.5 mm: ISO 200: f/14: 1.0 second We did an awesome hike through Rincon de la Vieja National Park. the 3 mile hike ended up being 5,...
Andaz Papagayo, Costa Rica June 2, 2016135 mm: ISO 500: f/5.6: 1/180 sec. A whole group of Capuchin, or White-Faced, monkeys came to feed in the trees around our balcony. After twenty minutes or...