Kanarraville, Utah
November 6, 201518 mm: ISO 200: f/14: 4.0 sec.
This slot canyon requires a couple mile hike to reach and is only a few hundred yards long, but it is well worth the visit (besides the great canyon, there is a waterfall (images coming soon) at the end).
I faced two problems in capturing this image. First, there were harsh shadows and light differences throughout the frame. Second, I wanted the entire canyon and the rocks in focus. To solve these problems, I employed hdr and focus stacking. The result is an 15-image compilation. The distribution is kind of tricky. First, it is a 3-image vertical panorama. In the bottom two images, I took two different exposures with different focal points. Finally, each exposure was a 3 image hdr. I also adjusted the exposure down on the top image where there was more light coming into the canyon. I hope to prepare some tutorials soon discussing each of these methods.
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