Berlin, Germany
January 7, 201718 mm: ISO 200: f/16: 2.5 secs.
Just a short walk from the Holocaust Memorial is the Brandenburg Gate. I took a little while trying to come up with a good composition of the Gate. There was not a lot of room directly in front unless I wanted to shoot at a steep angle and do a panorama. That was not appealing given I had no feeling left in my hands after a day of shooting in negative temperatures. Finally, I decided to sprint through traffic to get to the park and shoot some light trails of cars passing in front of the Gate. Given that I only took one shot with cars passing in front, I am pleased with the results. I made a second image when no cars were coming so I had a clean image to share as well. That image is below and the settings were identical.
Gear Used:
If you are interested in the Peak Design bag, they have offered our readers a special deal at Peak Design.
Although not available on Amazon, I used my favorite gloves in Berlin.